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Forum Posts

Controlling 8 PWM signals simultaneously with DMA

So I'm trying to control 8 different PWM signals simultaneously using DMA (Nucleo-F429ZI connected with 8 lines of SK6812 LEDs).So save memory space I implemented the strategy described in this blog to save memory. Basically using half-transfer and f...

MDrac.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32L4Q5CGT6P datasheet

Hello, I would like to replace STM32L072CBT with STM32L4Q5 in my development. I found that there is: STM32L4Q5CGT6P and STM32L4Q5CGT6. Unfortunately I can't find a data sheet for STM32L4Q5CGT6P. In the CubeMX I see that PIN46 and PIN22 with VDD12 ar...

YL by Associate II
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How can i reduce the OLED display clear time?

I have use STM32F0 microcontroller.I try to integrate the stm32 with OLED(SSD1306:128*64).It's an I2C communication. The issue is while clearing the display takes some seconds(like 2sec.).How can I make it faster?I have attached the issue portion ima...

Wju.1 by Associate II
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Send float to UART

Hello,I would like to send float numbers to UART and then check it in terminal using UART <-> USB converter. Could you provide any function which transmits float to UART? I am using STM32CubeIDE environment.Thank you.

Indois by Associate II
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STM32 LPUART only works with breakpoint.

Hi, I need your help, please:I'm using a STM32 and the STM32CubeIDE and I want to communicate the MCU and a FPS module R502 through LPUART (Low Power UART). When I send the correct packages, the FPS answers correctly (I check that reading via serie w...

SCabr.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Dual SPI with DMA

Hello everyone,I'm using the STM32H743 and I would like to implement two SPI communications with DMA (SPI1 & SPI2). I followed the example provided with my Nucleo board which is working perfectly when I'm only using SPI1 but when I add SPI2 initialis...

SThir.4 by Associate II
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