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Hello,I followed the examples in STM32CubeH7 package and implemented USB Custom HID device with 1 interface. The device is working fine. Now, I want to implement USB Custom HID Device with two interfaces. I want my device to be listed as highlighted ...
Hi, I am planning to use STM32C011F6 for a simple application and want to download application through UART1. How to use BOOT0 pin to program MCU for the first time. According to data sheet, UART1 pins PA9/PA10 needs remapping to function as UART. Al...
STM8A Discovery boards are NRND. Is the part discontinued/going obsolete?. According to ST, these parts are long term guarantee. 10 Year Product Longevity does not cover STM8A series.
Hi, I want to use HRTIM to generate active low pulse of width 50ms. The functionality is to generate single 50ms pulse to enable external counter IC. Are there examples to configure HRTIM in single-shot mode.HRTIM kernel freq is 200MHz. Prescaler is...
I am using IAR EWARM 9.10.2 and would like to redirect printf to UART and fopen/fclose/fprintf to SD card hosting FAT File System(R0.12c (March 04, 2017)). Any guide on how to do redirect io streams on IAR would be helpful.Thanks in advance.
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