2021-08-27 8:19 AM
Why the operating frequency of ATM32H7A3/7B3 is limited to 280 whereas the other families in H7 series supports minimum of 480MHz
2021-08-27 8:35 AM
The original ones were only spec'd to 400 MHz, top of the line now is 550 MHz
The device may well run at significantly higher than 280 MHz, depends on what process it's built on, perhaps they have a slow one to address some specific customer (Nintendo, White Goods?) or niche market where the price/speed tier fit? Or it competes against as specific Microchip model.
The ability to fab at an old facility might have some benefits at this point, especially if those offering tighter geometries are "busy"
Either way it's a business decision, and really doesn't need to be justified. If you need a faster part, pick one.
2021-08-27 8:47 AM
@Community member Thanks for comments. 7A3/7B3 has slight advantage in embedded RAM.
2021-08-27 9:07 AM
Specific frame buffer requirements? Be it games, or displays on IoT Thermostats.
My expectation is that the part clocks faster than advertised, the old X,Y,Z steps of the STM32H74x devices seemed to hum along at 533 MHz