User Activity

Hi guys,I am using and STM32L552ZET6 and I get a behavior I can not exaplain. The device is power at 1.8V in case it matters. So to put it shortly I have 2 blocks of 8 pages each. At first start I erase both of the blocks and write only in block 1 so...
Hi guys,I am using an STM32L552ZET6 and I would like to extend the RAM using an external SRAM chip (23A1024-E/TS), that has an QuadSPI interface. I would like to know if I can use STM32L5 OCTOSPI interface in memory mapped mode with the above mention...
Hi guys,I have a short question regarding the STM32L552ZET6 power domaines. Can I use 1v8 to power the chip and connect a 3v3 power supply on the VDDIO2 which I will power on from time to time(when I need to use those pins)? And another thing if I do...
Hi,I have designed a keypad with 11 touchkey's. For this I have used TSC group 1,3,4 and 6. As FW i have used the STM32_TouchSensing_Library and I have a problem. All groups are working ok, sensing touch corectlyexcept group 1. This group has the sam...
Hi guys,I am having a problem with the configurations for a PWM on an timer channel. I am working on a STM32L552ZE with LL library. I am tring to configure a PWM on pin PB9 (TIM17 CH1). I have first configuret as a PWM with interrupts (TIM17 update i...