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Forum Posts

STM32 Internal Flash Write/Read Failure

Hello everyone!I'm writing a STM32F446RE-based flight computer for a rocket. I want to use internal flash memory to keep some key data like base pressure or flight time. So if a power failure happens, the system can keep the base data.These are the t...

TEngi.2 by Associate
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MHz frequencies on OUTPUT

hey thereI have a stm32f103 blue pill board which I wish to generate MHz frequencies on pinC13.I have used TIM1. it starts and interrupts and on each interrupt I toggle PC13like sovoid HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim) { if(hti...

Ala by Senior
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Help with debuging a for statement in BluePill

Hi, I'm using a base64 library to convert my data to my base64 on STM BluePill. everything works fine, but after 5 minutes i receive an imprecise data access violation hard fault error on a for statement. i'm using main loop to run my code every 1 se...

MNoro.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Does micro detects low power?

hey there I have a question: can a micro, say stm32f407 detect low power? for example is there a HAL function to indicate VDD lower that 3.3v?(this way any time that power is going, I can for example save everything before power off)

Ala by Senior
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How to use the STLink BRIDGE API - UART bridge?

I want to use the STLink BRIDGE API and setup a C++ project. So far the GPIO worked fine, next I want to use the UART. I found the following Warning in the docu: "UART "bridge" is not supported on the STLink USB bridge interface. This functionality i...