STM32 MCUs products

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New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


Cannot get printf via USART to work on STM32H745

Hello!As the title says, I haven't managed to get the printf function to work on my STM32H7 MCU. I am using the Nucleo-H745ZI-Q with STM32Cube MX and Keil. Here is the code I'm using:#include "stdio.h"   /* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #defin...

AnaJade by Associate II
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How Is "system_stm32xxxx.c" File Included?

I'm having a brain fart and can't figure this out. I'm porting an existing project from the STM32F205 series to the STM32L496 series. So I replaced "system_stmf2xx.c" with "system_stml4xx.c" in my project workspace, but my compiler (IAR) isn't pickin...

jvavra by Associate III
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Very strange byte write on external 16 bits SDRAM

Hello, I need help with my external SDRAM I try lot of thing like use discovery board (STM32F769i) with a SDRAM on 32 bits and when I try 16 bits or 8 bits all is ok work like a charm.My custom board have a STM32F779 with 16 bits ram.My issue is that...

JMD by Associate II
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STM32L412 - WLCSP64 IC - USB configuration

Hi All,Iam using this STM32L412 MCU based WIFI module (Murata's Type 1LD module) in my project. Currently powering it with 1.8VDC for the operation and my other peripheral are 1.8V logic also it is battery operated project . Here im not able to brin...

BR.3 by Associate
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STM32 UART boot-loader Go command is unclear AN3155

Hello,I am implemented UART bootloader on my windows controlled test bench. All is great and working, but some uncertain exist with jump command.Its says in app note:jumps to the memory location programmed in the received ‘address + 4’ (correspondin...

Linas L by Senior II
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