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At first this post looks more like a catharsis than a question, but ultimately there is a question.Why are there as many procedures to enter sleep mode as there are STM32 programmers? There I see Piranha posting his own catharsis, titled "The ST Stan...
I am using a STLINK-V3MINIE  as a programmer with my custom board.The custom board has a battery holder, with 2xAA 1.5V each.A jumper is in series with the positive terminal of the battery holder, where I am using an ammeter.I measure a baseline of 3...
The image below shows how Cube MX allows us to control the visibility of some functions.Uncheking a prototype moves it from main.c (private) to main.h (public). When unchecking for SystemClock_Config, its  prototype is still generated on main.c, only...
 When the MCU goes into stop mode 2, the VREFINT keeps drawing current. Is there a control register to turn off VREFINT when the MCU goes into stop mode 2  
When trying to debug debug or run I got: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'what(): basic_string::_M_construct null not valid I tried to run this manually and I got the same:C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.15.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins...
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