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STM32L552, relocate IRQ Vector Table

Associate III

We are porting code from a STM32L4P5, where we relocate the IRQ VEctor Table with

  memcpy(g_RamVectorTable, g_pfnVectors, sizeof(g_RamVectorTable));

 __HAL_SYSCFG_REMAPMEMORY_SRAM();    // not implemented on STM32L5xx

that works fine, but as commented  __HAL_SYSCFG_REMAPMEMORY_SRAM() does not exist in HAL for the STM32L552.

Any idea or explanation ?


Why wouldn't the normal SCB->VTOR = address of the table, not work?

You should only need to REMAP RAM in the CM0 case where the address always has to be ZERO.

The CM0+ parts added SCB->VTOR, all other CM3, CM4 and CM7 parts have this.

The table needs to be on an address boundary commensurate with the size of the table, ie if it's 260 bytes needs to live on a 512 byte (0x200) aligned address.

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