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Forum Posts

Proper standby mode enter and exit

Hello,I am trying to properly implement the standby mode entry routine on an STM32L0 MCU. I have this exemplary minimum working example that does not work as expected:/* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */   HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET)...

On STM32H7, can DMA access generate an ECC error ?

Hello,I am currently working with stm32H743 processor.I wanted to know if DMA access can trigger an ECC error or only the core can generate these errors.For example if there is a ram data protected by ECC with a double bit error, would a DMA access t...

PBard.2 by Associate
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hi, we are interfacing EEPROM to STM32L496ZG Nucleo board .but AT24C256 is failing to write data. Please find attached function to write data in EEPROM.We used A0 Device address to write data in EEPROM.Kindly Reply.

int at24_HAL_WriteBytes(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c,uint16_t DevAddress,uint16_t MemAddress, uint8_t *pData,uint16_t TxBufferSize){if(HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(hi2c,(uint16_t)DevAddress,(uint16_t)MemAddress,I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT,pData,(uint16_t)TxBufferSize,1000)...

Namita by Associate II
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Resolved! schematics for microSd on SDMMC

Hello,Do you have schematics suggestion for using a microSD on the SDMMC interface of the STM32L476? The reference manuel only shows data with 8 lines while the microSD has only 4 lines with data3 share with card detect.Do I only need to ignore the c...

MLe M.1 by Associate II
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hello dear. I opened the documentation for stm32H7xx and am trying to calculate the address. I don't understand what it means?Address offset: 0x3DCh-0x3EChwhat should I add to the base address?0x40017400how to understand and read it?Address offset: 0...

MTS by Associate II
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