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Forum Posts

Timers first pulse is different and timers not in sync

Hi,I have spent a few days trying to get the timers in sync, that is use one timer with multiple outputs; oc,PWM,base. I am generating a 1MHz clock for an external device. And then a start pulse. When the timer overflows ADC starts. It needs to be ex...

DWuje.1 by Associate II
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USART receive break and reset mcu

Hello,I use STM32G0 and USART2 in IT mode or DMA mode.When the mcu receive a break command on uart line, he reset after entering on the IRQ handler.Have you an idea ?Regards

tvill.1 by Associate II
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No response from TIM2 and SPI2

Hello all,I have been working on an STM32F0, with an external ADC. I used PA5 as an SCK with SPI1_SCK, PA6 as an SDO with SPI1_MISO, and PA8 as a CNV with TIM1_CH1. With one external ADC, it all worked as intended. I used an oscilloscope to confirm t...

JKing.8 by Associate III
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Is there a workaround for the 'Additional reset needed after power off/on to enable connection to the BL interfaces' bootloader bug of STM32H743?

I would like to use the integrated Bootloader of the STM32H743 for updating the firmware over I2C. I don't have access to BOOT or RESET pins at the I2C master side, so my desired procedure would be:Send a command over I2C to my firmware. Once my firm...

JArwe.1 by Associate II
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Is this a fake UART idle line?

Hello!I'm working with UART+DMA+IdleDetection. I receiving long frames of data(250-300 bytes) 250 times per second at 921600bps without HT & TC interrupt from several sensors and one Arduino, then I send them by USB . Sometimes, I receive overwritte...

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SGonz.2 by Associate II
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STM32F303xB inconstant wrong ADC measurements

I'm using the ADC to measure power grid voltage and current at 10 kHz. For most of the time the results are coherent. however, sometimes I detected some strange values colected by the ADC, differing from the measures made with an osciloscope in the a...