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Hello,i am working for now on a diy project.In this project i am interfacing LoRa SX1278 (SPI), MPU6050 (I2C) and NEO-6M (UART) with the STM32F103C8 (blue pill).All in all it is working but because all this sensors and modules are served in the loop,...
Hello,for a DIY project including LoRa ra-02, MPU6050 and NEO-6M i have purchased some Blue pills from a vendor but it turned out they are fake blue pills (STM32F103C6).I am trying to make a RC, so i have a Transmitter which needs 2xSPIs (one for LoR...
Hello all,for my DIY Radio Controller (LoRa and STM32F1C8) i am using two joysticks and one poti.I am reading ADC with the DMA but what i noticed is that the ADC values are not so accurate.I know with not (professional, expensive) Potis and joysticks...
Hello,i am trying to interface 1.8 inch SPI TFT Display 128 x 160 to the STM32F103C8 using SPI2. is used for LoRa, i thought to connect TFT too to SPI1 using addresses but i am affraid t...
Hello,i have used the library i aploaded to calculate roll, pitch and yaw.I am using MPU6050 with STM32F103C8 and KEIL IDE.For pitch and roll i get good results but i cann't get the result for yaw.I use kalman filter for that. 
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