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Hello,I built a simple HTTP webservice with an F4,Following the code provided by this tutorial made by ControllersTechSTM32 ETHERNET #6. HTTP SERVER PART 1 || Simple Webpage - YouTubeIt works well.Now I want to secure it without adding FreeRTOSWould ...
Hello,I'm using an STM32 F4 board as a TCP Server and the hercule application on my PC as a TCP Client.I follow the online tutorial proposed by controllersTech for the configuration.This is what my program does: If I send the message "1" to the serve...
Hello,I’m using two STM32 F4 boards to continuously send and receive data over SPI communication.The first board is configured as the Master and only transfers data, while the second board is configured as the Slave and only receives data.I have alre...
Hello,I'm working with two F4 STM32 boards using the SPI communication.The two boards are connect to each other using the SPI1 connectivity. The first board is configured as a Master and only send data. And the second is configured as a Slave and onl...
Hello,I'm commucating two STM32 F4 boards  using SPIThe first board is configured as a Master and used to only transmit data   #define message_tx_size 4 uint8_t message_tx[message_tx_size] = "ABCD"; .... int main(void){ while (1){ HAL_SPI_Transmit...
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