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Stm32CubeClt static Download Link

Hello,can you offer a static download link to download the CommandLineTools (Stm32CubeClt) without a Login Wall?I would like to use it to build my project in a docker container in my CI CD processGreats Peter

PPete by Associate III
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STM32H735 custom board power draw

Hi,Ive made a custom board with a STM32H735 micro on it. I have built a board with nothing but a micro and a few of its needed passive components and went to provide it power and test that its working. I supplied power from a benchtop power supply wi...


Hi,I am considering using the STM32N6 series for my next development.Are there plans to make "X-CUBE-STL" supports STM32N6 series in the near future?

STM32H747 - DSI overflow error, no video output

Greetings!I have a board with STM32H747XI and SN65DSI84-Q1 as a converter from DSI to LVDS.The issue is that I can not get video output from MCU to 2ch LVDS panel 1920x720 with any configuration I'm trying. The main issue is that I'm getting HAL_DSI_...

QSPI external RAM

hi all,i was trying to work with stm32u585 microcontroller and an external RAM IS66WVQ2M4DALL , which is a QSPI based RAM can work in 133Mhz.the RAM support DDR based data transfer. Here i am attaching my OSPI configuration  hospi1.Instance = OCTOSP...

sabari1 by Associate III
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Resolved! TIMER - Overflow event - Must reset CNT?

Hi There,I have setup TIMER4 on STM32G484 device for overflow event and enabled interrupt for events. Everything works fine and as expected with correct fire time if I RESET the CNT register in the ISR. However, if I do not, it seems to do some level...

Skeeb by Visitor
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STM32F4 & STM32F7 USB Host Core (Interrupt flood)

Posted on May 19, 2017 at 01:02Issue:USB Core issing interrupt at a rate of 8.65us causing high CPU loading.Software/Chip:Using USB Host/CDC from STM32Cube V1.15 on a STM32F429 board.   USB interrupt sources:- SOF Interrupts (It is not needed for CD...