Hello,is anyone able to generate a lcov coverage report in Stm32cubeIde or to visualize the the coverage result inside the editor?I have the *.gcno and *.gcda file (by semihosting). Regards Peter
Helloiam looking for the STM32CubeCLT download but its not available on the st page any more.I tried 3 different Browsers but no one shows the download section.Any idea? Greatsralf
I build a custom Numpad Container. Iam setting it Visible when a textarea is clicked. And it is the top layer on the Screen. Trying to set other containers on a lower layer not touchable is not working.I can still click the slide menu button und some...
I have an Error using a Custom Board with a STM32H743ZI controller.First a want to use the internal Flash and RAM_D1 for the TouchGFX App but i always get a Hardfault on LineFrontendHeap& heap=FrontendHeap::getInstance();__HAL_RCC_CRC_CLK_ENABLE(); i...
Hello thanks for the fast response.the solution with the clicklistener is working for me. But it feels like a Workaround.Set the background container to "not touchable" and back to "touchable" is not activating the touch Event to all of my four butto...
I only run the callback function if the user hits ok or cancel.I just debugged it.void NumPadContainer::function_NumPad_Cancel(void)
if (viewCallback && viewCallback->isValid())
numPadInput = 0;
I have two Callbacks. One from the textArea and one from the numpad Container. void SettingsView::valueContainer_ClickHandler(ValueContainer *valueContainer)
Yes, if the user will click on a textarea the numpad container will popup on the top layer.When the user confirmed the numpad input, the input will be copied to the testArea. This works fine.Mz goal is to block all other inputs on the display. In the...