2025-02-11 1:07 AM - edited 2025-02-11 1:08 AM
When using DMA to do a SPI transmit, I found a strange behavior. The problem is, that the communication to the DAC works for a few seconds, depending on the used frequency. After the few seconds only 1 byte instead of 3 bytes are sent and the NSS Pin (Hardware regulated) stays low. You can even see these two data items to transfer in S1NDTR (NDT). I used the approximately same code with Software NSS without any problem.
I also get a DMA FIFO Error (FEIF) directly after starting the DMA stream, even when using DMA circular mode. Not every time but over 50% of the times when the communication is working I get the FEIF. When the communication is not working anymore, I do not get the FEIF anymore.
I found these factors influencing the error:
- Using DMA normal mode/ circular mode -> no difference
- Enabling DMA FIFO -> no difference
- Increase frequency of sending values to the DAC: communication breaks very fast
- Decrease frequency of sending values to the DAC: communication does not break
- Changing Priorities -> no difference
This is my SPI configuration:
/* SPI1 parameter configuration*/
SPI_InitStruct.TransferDirection = LL_SPI_SIMPLEX_TX;
SPI_InitStruct.DataWidth = LL_SPI_DATAWIDTH_8BIT;
SPI_InitStruct.ClockPolarity = LL_SPI_POLARITY_LOW;
SPI_InitStruct.ClockPhase = LL_SPI_PHASE_2EDGE;
SPI_InitStruct.BitOrder = LL_SPI_MSB_FIRST;
SPI_InitStruct.CRCPoly = 0x0;
LL_SPI_Init(SPI1, &SPI_InitStruct);
This is my corresponding DMA config:
167: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.Direction=DMA_MEMORY_TO_PERIPH
168: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.EventEnable=DISABLE
170: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.Instance=DMA2_Stream1
171: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.MemDataAlignment=DMA_MDATAALIGN_BYTE
173: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.Mode=DMA_CIRCULAR
174: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.PeriphDataAlignment=DMA_PDATAALIGN_BYTE
175: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.PeriphInc=DMA_PINC_DISABLE
177: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.Priority=DMA_PRIORITY_HIGH
178: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.RequestNumber=1
179: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.RequestParameters=Instance,Direction,PeriphInc,MemInc,PeriphDataAlignment,MemDataAlignment,Mode,Priority,FIFOMode,SignalID,Polarity,RequestNumber,SyncSignalID,SyncPolarity,SyncEnable,EventEnable,SyncRequestNumber
180: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.SignalID=NONE
181: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.SyncEnable=DISABLE
182: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.SyncPolarity=HAL_DMAMUX_SYNC_NO_EVENT
183: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.SyncRequestNumber=1
184: Dma.SPI1_TX.1.SyncSignalID=NONE
This is the code I am using for sending the values to the DAC (shortened it to just the important parts):
dma_buffer_dac1[0] = (COMMAND_SOFTWARE_RESET >> 16);
dma_buffer_dac1[1] = 0;
dma_buffer_dac1[2] = 0 ;
LL_SPI_StartMasterTransfer(DACX->spi); // sets CSTART bit of SPI
LL_DMA_EnableStream(DACX->xdma_tx); // sets EN bit of DMA
while (DACX1_DMA_TX_CHECK_TC_ACTIVE == 0) {} // wait until DMA transfer complete
//Reset transmission flags
while (!LL_SPI_IsActiveFlag_EOT(DACX1.spi){} // wait for SPI End of Transfer
Can anyone help my why the communication breaks?
I am not sure if the FEIF is the problem here, but I am also interested why the FEIF error is showing up?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2025-02-17 11:13 PM
> But in your screenshot, NDTR=3, so 0 bytes have been sent, not 1.
You are right, the screenshot was not made at a good breakpoint. For other people having this issue was the case that only 1 byte have been sent and 2 bytes were still in queue.
> A code bug can cause this. I don't think you've shown enough to spot the bug. Perhaps it's getting called while the transfer is already active.
I was able to figure out the problem now. The settings of the code above were all working. In the init part, the SPI was enabled before enabling the DMAReq_TX (LL_SPI_EnableDMAReq_TX) and before setting the Transfer Size (LL_SPI_SetTransferSize).
I am still wondering why it was even working with the wrong order for exaclty 87381 times and then breaking, but at least it is working now.
2025-02-11 6:02 AM
Here are the possibilities:
What else is going on in your program that is using the DMA, particular at same/higher priority levels?
What are the values of the DMA registers when the error occurs?
2025-02-11 7:03 AM
It is bad practice to use DMA for small data amount. On STM32H7A3, it doesn't even run for me on data size less than 8 units. Try to increase buffer size or use interrupt mode for such small buffers.
2025-02-11 7:34 AM - edited 2025-02-11 7:35 AM
At same or higher priority levels there are only other DMA streams running, BDMA interrrupts and the SAI interrupt.
I was now able to find out, that the FEIF should not be the problem of my communication. When I compare the working code for low frequencies with the code for high frequencies the only difference is the transfer error which starts to happen when the communication breaks. I build up a some counters which count up when an interrupt flag raises.
Before the communication breaks:
- transfer_complete_count = half_transfer_count = FEIF_count
- transfer_error_count = 0
- directmode_error_count = 0
When the communication breaks:
- only transfer_error and transfer_complete flags happen
So in the end:
- transfer_complete_count = half_transfer_count + transfer_error_count
I have also attached the values of the DMA2 Stream1 register at the moment my communication breaks (first transfer_error).
2025-02-11 9:49 AM
You're not using the FIFO, so the FEIF flag is irrelevant here. Not the cause of a problem.
Your DMA stream is disabled, so that's why the SPI isn't clocking in new data. As for why, I'm sure it's a code bug but I don't think it's within the code presented. If things break consistently, should be able to debug and hit pause when it's "broken" and examine why. In the case of what you've presented, it's because DMA stream isn't enabled.
I don't see code where TSIZE is set, so probably EOT isn't happening.
2025-02-12 12:38 AM
> You're not using the FIFO, so the FEIF flag is irrelevant here. Not the cause of a problem.
Okay understood, thank you for the information.
Sorry I forgot to copy a small initialization part, the Transfer size is initialized before: LL_SPI_SetTransferSize(DACX1.spi, 3);
also the DMA adresses are set before and the data length and transfer complete interrupt are set:
xdma_set_peripheral_addr(DACX1.xdma_tx, (uint32_t) &(DACX1.spi->TXDR));
xdma_set_memory_addr(DACX1.xdma_tx, (uint32_t) dma_buffer_dac1);
xdma_set_data_length(DACX1.xdma_tx, 3);
My DMA stream gets enabled with LL_DMA_EnableStream(DACX->xdma_tx); in the code above. But because there is only one byte sent instead of 3 bytes after a few seconds, the code then runs into while(DACX1_DMA_TX_CHECK_TC_ACTIVE == 0) {} and only gets out of this loop with a timeout condition. As a result there is no EOT happening.
My question is how it is possible that it is working for a few seconds but after a few seconds (exact time depending on frequency) the DMA breaks?
2025-02-12 5:27 AM
> But because there is only one byte sent instead of 3 bytes after a few seconds
But in your screenshot, NDTR=3, so 0 bytes have been sent, not 1.
> My question is how it is possible that it is working for a few seconds but after a few seconds
A code bug can cause this. I don't think you've shown enough to spot the bug. Perhaps it's getting called while the transfer is already active.
2025-02-17 11:13 PM
> But in your screenshot, NDTR=3, so 0 bytes have been sent, not 1.
You are right, the screenshot was not made at a good breakpoint. For other people having this issue was the case that only 1 byte have been sent and 2 bytes were still in queue.
> A code bug can cause this. I don't think you've shown enough to spot the bug. Perhaps it's getting called while the transfer is already active.
I was able to figure out the problem now. The settings of the code above were all working. In the init part, the SPI was enabled before enabling the DMAReq_TX (LL_SPI_EnableDMAReq_TX) and before setting the Transfer Size (LL_SPI_SetTransferSize).
I am still wondering why it was even working with the wrong order for exaclty 87381 times and then breaking, but at least it is working now.