Not possible to read the Unique device ID registers (96 bits) on STM32L051 through the bootloader?
Is it not possible to read the Unique device ID registers (96 bits) on STM32L051 through the bootloader? I get a NACK on that address.
Is it not possible to read the Unique device ID registers (96 bits) on STM32L051 through the bootloader? I get a NACK on that address.
What I want to do is XIP with DUAL QUAD SPI.The environment is as follows.Use Board : nucleo l4r5ziIDE : Atollic TrueSTUDIO® for STM32, Built on Eclipse Neon.1a.(Version: 9.3.0)FLASH : W25Q64JVThe connection diagram of the board and FLASH is shown be...
hello i wand to use stm32h7 series LQFP package to connect RGB888 display first time i try with this chip the alternate pins is not close to each other.. and for optimal high speed pcb traces, it be nice this pins to be close or im mistaken and not...
STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.12.0Build: 14980_20230301_1550 (UTC)I have a STM32F407 Discovery board running a web server. I have a simple webpage with a single button that when clicked, displays a text message below the button. I had issues with the serv...
Hi dear experts,I want to know is there a way to only program Bank2 and run the firmware from it? I manage to program Bank2 and set the BFB2=1 but i cant get the firmware to run. Am i making a mistake by not programming the Bank1 at all? i should men...
Hi community!Currently, I am using a MCU STM32L083 and I am trying to implement a bootloader. The firmware to be updated is encrypted with a AES-128 algorithm. The firmware is encrypted one time with a unique key for each divice and a second time for...
Hello,I want to ask if there is a way to access the I/O pins directly.Insread of writing "HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC, led1_Pin, 1);" write "led1_Pin=1"or instead of "if(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin (GPIOC, myinput_Pin))" write " if(myinput_Pin);) Thanks for any i...
I use Portenta H7 MCU module. I use it with a STM32CubeIDE project (not Arduino).I do not like the Arduino IDE - LOL, I am missing several features, esp. not possible to use a HW debugger and to step through my code, no support for HW breakpoints etc...
Posted on August 28, 2017 at 18:08Hello everyone,I am having a bit of trouble with the SPI communication between two STM32L053R8 boards.I have a master who is sending 15 bytes every second to the slave. The slave must also return 15 Bytes.Tha maste...
Unfortunately, I wrongly designed the PCB board So, the boot0 pin is currently floating (no connectable evenif temporaliy because of BGA pin layout).I'm getting trouble with programming. So, I want to know whether the programming error is happening d...