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Resolved! STM32G474VET3: DAC output and comparator input question

As i am using inside comparators. For that i can see below available options for reference voltages. My question is about DAC output can it be set internally or i have to make physical connection by DAC out put pin to comparator input  

sag by Associate III
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Regarding issue with NUCLEO-F429ZI.

NUCELO-F429ZI Encountered a issue.When i connect a USB ,it is showing like FAIL and a message is shown on the screen likeThe interface firmware FAILED to reset/halt the target MCU.Can any one let me know what is the reason for this and solution for t...

MCU 150C

I have been developing a system using an SMT32L476 but it is only rated to 125C .I'm looking for a temperature range of 150C .  Its is desing into a piece of test equipment that goes within a thermal Chamber and cna overshoot ot 130-50 before settlin...

SSSL by Associate II
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STM32H503 I3C not working stable

I am working off of the example I3C ENTDAA CMD for the STM32H5 series to initialize a slave device. I am stuck in a wierd phenomenon that once CCC CMD triggered and then after more than 300 mS, the I3C function is dead. The test setting as below, The...

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Resolved! H563ZI I3C GETACCCR

Hello! I set my H563ZI I3C to master and attach it to another I3C secondary master. Now i want to test GETACCCR CCC. The firmware "en.stm32cubeh5-v1-2-0" only has the case that slave request mastership from current master. I want to know how to send ...

Xonier by Associate III
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Resolved! stm32h745 IAP JumpToApplication Error

I'm implement IAP STM32h745ziq for cm7. then seen write Download image using ST-Link utility.   my board Programming Completed Successfully! But, I'm trying Execute the loaded application. then stopped my board.JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (APPLIC...

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