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I cannot display Hello World on port 0. I have the STM32F429I DISC-1 board.

Associate II

The steps that I had done (STM32F429I-DISC1 Board)

1. copy and paste the code into syscalls.c

0693W00000NsOhiQAF.png2. edit the _write function

0693W00000NsOhnQAF.png4. build the project

5. edit the debugger setting

0693W00000NsOiMQAV.png6. start debug

7. enable the SWV ITM Data Console

8. enable the port 0 in SWV

0693W00000NsOiWQAV.png9. the screen before press resume

0693W00000NsOibQAF.png10: Nothing come out... can you please help me?


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SB9 is open by default

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Use ITM_SendChar() by itself

Are you really running the core at 16 MHz, and not 168 MHz or 180 MHz?

Is SB9 made?

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ST Employee

Hello @SUrte.1​ 

Welcome to STM32 Community =)

Check you Clock configuration (SYSCLK, HSE_VALUE)

0693W00000NsOkcQAF.jpgMake sure to connect the SWV pin for Trace functionality and follow this AN4989, which will help you on printf debugging.

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Cross-linking so Google works better.. and I don't have to use the forsaken search on this web site.

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SB9 is open by default

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Associate II


Thank you for your answer. How can i fix it.

0693W00000NsOp3QAF.pngThe middle of the SB9 is empty and do I need to apply a little solder there and join it as in the photo?

Associate II

I don't want to do something wrong and damage the card please help

I soldered the sb9 and my problem was solved thank you very much

The pads are specifically designed to wet and bridge with a little bit of solder, thus them being called "Solder Bridges"

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You're a bit far away to come over..

Wet the two sides with a little solder so it bridges, connecting the two sides, and allowing the SWO (PB3) signal get to the ST-LINK/V2

If you're unsure of what's being done electrically, review the schematic, should be under the "CAD Resources" tab for the board's home page.

To remove the solder, use some desoldering wick to soak-up/pull-away the solder

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