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I am using open source lwip ethernet connection code and I am cehcking wireshark if i lose any connection. TCP ECHO parts are my true outputs but i was wondering if ARP parts means that my connection is lost and I reconnect or is it just checking gat...
void tcpsend (char *data) { // send the data to the connected connection netconn_write(conn, data, strlen(data), NETCONN_COPY); // relaese the semaphore sys_sem_signal(&tcpsem); } // //void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *UartHandle) ...
  /* add the network interface (IPv4/IPv6) with RTOS */ netif_add(&gnetif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, &ethernetif_init, &tcpip_input); while(1){ /* Registers the default network interface */ netif_set_default(&gnetif); if (netif_is_link...
Hi, I am using STM 32 STLINK-V3. Thereis a problem with following UART receiver function.    __HAL_UART_CLEAR_FLAG(&huart5, UART_CLEAR_NEF|UART_CLEAR_OREF); HAL_UART_Receive(&huart5, rx_buffer, ROVER_MSG_LEN, 1000); __HAL_UART_DISABLE_IT(&hua...
Hi, I am trying to create a connection through ethernet with lwip however I stuck at netif down I guess it related with flags which are checking the connection. I am using  STM32H735 board. lwip.c file codes are taken from the github (https://github....
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