I am using open source lwip ethernet connection code and I am cehcking wireshark if i lose any connection. TCP ECHO parts are my true outputs but i was wondering if ARP parts means that my connection is lost and I reconnect or is it just checking gat...
Hi, I am using STM 32 STLINK-V3. Thereis a problem with following UART receiver function.
HAL_UART_Receive(&huart5, rx_buffer, ROVER_MSG_LEN, 1000);
Hi, I am trying to create a connection through ethernet with lwip however I stuck at netif down I guess it related with flags which are checking the connection. I am using STM32H735 board. lwip.c file codes are taken from the github (https://github....
Thanks so much for your answer. I do get connected more frequently than before but Sometimes I just have to restart the power to get connected. Is there any other step that you recommend for better connectivity for ethernet part?
" You're doing a lot of unnecessary byte comparison when you're working with strings. Just do a string comparison using strncmp " thanks a lot such a great advice to increase efficiency. Also about a while loop you are right I am trying to write it w...
Thanks I currently trying the method you recomment but still some bugs and errors occur. I am checking them. With HAL_UART_Receive I could only get one byte of data once. I believe it is because of a flag bug which I am working on.