2024-06-27 1:21 AM
I understand that ADC Linear Calibration is performed during device production and the values stored in the System Memory.
However, I have been unable to find any documentation on where the 6 values are stored.
Also, are their 6 values per ADC device (ADC1, ADC2, ADC3) or do one set of values apply to all 3 ADCs?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-07-04 11:52 PM
In case anyone else is looking for this information (STM32H745), which apparently is not documented, this is the reply from ST Customer Support:
Subject: ADC Linear Calibration Address
indeed, it's not documented.
ADC1:0x1FF1 EC00 - 0x1FF1 EC14
ADC2:0x1FF1 EC20 - 0x1FF1 EC34
ADC3:0x1FF1 EC40 - 0x1FF1 EC54
However, even linear calibration is technology depended we highly recommend to perform user calibration instead of use factory data to reach better adc performance.
BR, Jan
2024-06-28 6:43 AM
This post has been escalated to the ST Online Support Team for additional assistance. We'll contact you directly.
2024-06-28 7:30 AM - edited 2024-06-28 7:53 AM
its more : you have to call calibration... ->
HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start (..)
see text there )in xxx_hal_adc_ex.c :
* @brief Perform an ADC automatic self-calibration
* Calibration prerequisite: ADC must be disabled (execute this
* function before HAL_ADC_Start() or after HAL_ADC_Stop() ).
* @PAram hadc ADC handle
* @PAram CalibrationMode Selection of calibration offset or
* linear calibration offset.
* @arg ADC_CALIB_OFFSET Channel in mode calibration offset
* @arg ADC_CALIB_OFFSET_LINEARITY Channel in mode linear calibration offset
* @PAram SingleDiff Selection of single-ended or differential input
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg @ref ADC_SINGLE_ENDED Channel in mode input single ended
* @arg @ref ADC_DIFFERENTIAL_ENDED Channel in mode input differential ended
* @retval HAL status
or/and load factory calib:
* @brief Load the calibration factor from engi bytes
* @PAram hadc ADC handle
* @retval HAL state
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_ADCEx_LinearCalibration_FactorLoad(ADC_HandleTypeDef *hadc)
HAL_StatusTypeDef tmp_hal_status = HAL_OK;
uint32_t cnt, FactorOffset;
uint32_t LinearCalib_Buffer[ADC_LINEAR_CALIB_REG_COUNT];
/* Linearity calibration is retrieved from engi bytes
read values from registers and put them to the CALFACT2 register */
/* If needed linearity calibration can be done in runtime using
LL_ADC_GetCalibrationLinearFactor() */
...Just : I always use ..calibration_start , doing calibration now. This some ms i can spend at program start...
see ds (note):
I never tried just loading calibration factors...but you can try and compare, whats better.
I bet, doing actual calibration (lin and diff) is better, because at actual temp and age of chip.
2024-07-04 11:52 PM
In case anyone else is looking for this information (STM32H745), which apparently is not documented, this is the reply from ST Customer Support:
Subject: ADC Linear Calibration Address
indeed, it's not documented.
ADC1:0x1FF1 EC00 - 0x1FF1 EC14
ADC2:0x1FF1 EC20 - 0x1FF1 EC34
ADC3:0x1FF1 EC40 - 0x1FF1 EC54
However, even linear calibration is technology depended we highly recommend to perform user calibration instead of use factory data to reach better adc performance.
BR, Jan