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Hello there,I am newbie in CAN communication. Although there is no problem in loopback mode, I get acknowledgment error in normal mode. For this reason, the tx message I sent continues to be sent because it was not ACKed, and after a while, all mailb...
As you can see due to i can't receive the required ack from N2 node, N1 node It keeps sending the same message. Then HAL_ADDTX function returns HAL_CAN_ERROR_PARAM because the transmission is not happening and all mailboxes are full. Also i request T...
The steps that I had done (STM32F429I-DISC1 Board)1. copy and paste the code into syscalls.c2. edit the _write function4. build the project5. edit the debugger setting6. start debug7. enable the SWV ITM Data Console8. enable the port 0 in SWV9. the s...