STM32 MCUs Products

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Forum Posts

New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


CANbus: Execution time to send a message

Hello,I am utilizing the FDCAN1 CANbus protocol on the STM32H725AGI6 MCU currently. I am trying to determine the execution time for the firmware to execute the lines of code, as the timing can be critical in some applications.  So for example, I woul...

KMew by Senior III
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STM32F030R8 PWM using LSE as source for Timer

Hi all, I was wondering if there is a way to set up the LSE as the source for a Timer on the STM32F030R8 to generate a PWM output signal. Currently doing a deep dive on clock configurations, timers, etc. and I have been able to use the HSE for PWM, b...

tolgaust by Associate II
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Keyboard Interrupt on UART receive

Hi i m using 26 keyboard key to interrupt via UART received, should i coded the 26 interrupt in a single rxcplt callback function or a multiple callback function? Whats the best way? pls advise...void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART....){  HAL_UART_Rece...

STM32H723VET6 ULPI problem

Hi,I'm having problems with STM32H723VET6 (100 pin device) and ULPI using USB3343. After ULPI reset USB3343 starts the USB clock (60MHz). But when I enable MCU ULPI clock with __HAL_RCC_USB1_OTG_HS_ULPI_CLK_ENABLE() the USB clock is stopped and never...

MAKA by Associate II
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Resolved! Backup SRAM on STM32H563

Hi,someone knows where the Backup SRAM is located on STM32H563 (at which address)? I didn't find it in the documentation.Thanks

Ez by Associate II
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WEAK references in startup_.s not working?

Hello,All of the interrupt handling routines in startup_stm32f765xx.s are marked as WEAK linker references. However it appears that some routines can not be overwritten. SysTick_Handler (sorry) is one of those. There are many solutions posted in the ...

STM32F7 HS USB CDC Serial, not recognized by Windows

Hello,We have a custom board design using STM32F765IITx processor. Trying to configure and generate a working project using the HS USB interface with an external PHY. (USB3315) The project being generated is for Keil (MDK-ARM)The latest versions of S...

Resolved! How to use virtual COM port with nucleo-H563ZI

Hello,I am new in the STM world.I am using the nucleo-H563ZI deverlopment board and I want to get the virtual COM port to work.On github I found the examples of the Board. I opend the project "...\Proj...
