Resolved! Does STM32H735G-DK board support CAN FD?
Hello, I'd like to inquire if the STM32H735G-DK supports a CAN FD transceiver, or if I should purchase an external transceiver
Hello, I'd like to inquire if the STM32H735G-DK supports a CAN FD transceiver, or if I should purchase an external transceiver
In 'F4, for FT pins with analog functionality (marked as FT_a in other STM32 families' DS), there's a clear warning, that 5-volt tolerance does not apply when given pin is set to Analog mode:For 'G0, I can't find any such description/restriction in D...
Hello,Can I only write to the flash with 64 bit variables, or also 32/16/8 bit?I just used this function for this: HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_DOUBLEWORD, activepageaddress + u32_Offset, u64_Data)I have an STM32L432 uC.I already found this ex...
Hello,I'm using NUCLEO-G474RE kit with soldered USB on PINs:PA11 - USB Data minusPA12 - USB Data plusVIN - VBUSIn the User configuration I have:nSWBOOT = CheckednBOOT0 = CheckednBOOT1 = CheckedThere is programmed program with blinking LED so I know i...
Paragraph 10.7.3 of RM0456 manual for STM32U575/585 microcontroller cites registers RCC_AHB3AMENR and RCC_APB3AMENR to configure autonomous peripheral clock gating during stop 2 mode.However, I didn't find any other reference of such registers in the...
Hi,I started a design with STM32U5 series MCU. In the STM32CubeX's HSE settings, there is a new option "DIGBYPASS Clock Source'. What's the differences with the old 'bypass clock source'?Thanks.
I need help with configuring HYPERRAM for my STM32 on a custom PCB. The HYPERRAM pins are about 32mm away from the MCU pins.The HYPERRAM works, but I get strange flickering on the display even with static data in RAM which I think comes memory errors...
Hı everyoneI was trying to send the data to termite terminal. The data variables are coming from DS1307 (RTC Module) and BH1750 (Lux) sensor. However, The data coming from lux sensor is zero in termite. Rtc module variable is okey. Lux sensor variabl...
This is a question regarding virtual COM port communication using CDC.A STM32F412 Discovery with CDC installed is connected to a Windows PC, and 70 bytes of data is sent from the PC via serial communication.However, when receiving with CDC_Receive_FS...
Hello,I would like to determine the ADC sampling frequency.I am initializing the ADC with following: hadc1.Instance = ADC1;hadc1.Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_SYNC_PCLK_DIV4;hadc1.Init.Resolution = ADC_RESOLUTION_12B;hadc1.Init.ScanConvMode = ADC_S...