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Forum Posts

Losing data sending over USB CDC

Dear community,I am working with the STM32 Nucleo F429ZI board to send data over USB - CDC. I have set a time interrupt every 1ms and my goal is to send a package of data after each time interrupt (the data sent are consecutive numbers).As the code b...


Hardware oversampling on ADC1 & 2 on H743VIT6

I'm trying to optimize the H743's hardware oversampling on ADC1 & 2 at 384KHz sampling rate, it reduces the noise but I'd like some advice on the settings.The H743 ref. manual state that the oversampling Ratio values are 0 - 1023, setting the number ...

Robmar by Senior III
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Resolved! Multi ADC in parallel

Hi, I'm using  multi channels ADC3 of "STM32H735ZGT6" (3channels) I want to use these channels in parallel, but I've only found a way to convert in order in the Datasheet. Can I run all the ADC3's channels at once in parallel?If that is the case, can...

giwonKIM by Associate III
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stm32 virtual com port on windows 11

I am working on stm32f439zi (nucleo) usb port with windows 11. After I enabled usb port functions on stm32cubeide, I got definition as followed for usb port:  when I connect device to windows 11 desktop. it looks like device use standard Microsoft us...

yanghong_0-1713462081776.png yanghong_1-1713462159422.png
yang hong by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F7 USB CDC Device Descriptor Request failing

I am struggling to get USB CDC working. I am very far down a rabbit hole and I'm completely stuck.I am using HAL libraries for USB_OTG_HS on the STM32F746ZGT6, with a 16MHz HSE.I am running in bus powered mode, VBUS detect disabled, and I have hardwi...

lejanz by Associate II
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