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Hi Sir/Madam,I want to implement a vibration detector using stm32f401vc discovery board which mainly consists of LSM303dlhc mems accelerometer sensor.The problem here is that when I am extracting the data from the sensor ,mostly the data is fluctuati...
Dear Sir/Madam,I have already implemented the usb host mass storage class project which mainly mounts the usb disk & writes some data to a given file. But this application is not working. Only usb  unmout case is executing even though I am inserting ...
Dear sir/madam,I want to implement a USB audio DAC . And I have already followed the USB library for configuration of related files. When I am connecting the stm32f401VC discovery board USB connector to the host pc its displaying in the notification ...
Dear Sir/Madam,Currently I am doing a project called "Displaying two animations simultaneously on ssd1306 oled display".Problem :- For this I am using cmsis rtos v1 to create two separate tasks. One task handles one animation frames & the other task ...
Hi,I know how to blink an led in Embedded C, but Currently I am trying to create an led blinking project using embedded C++ in stm32cubeide.So kindly give me some tips how to create it. IDE - STM32cubeide 1.15.0Development board - STM32F401VC discove...
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