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    hi ,Aiming to have few minutes power  back up for  STM32 mcu with SD card incase main supply 5v goes OFF condition . Timer added for capacitor  charging time since initial current is will be little high .The above is setup enough ? or something s...
hi,I need to make a database storage ( 20GB ) place using FatFs So,  stored data's  will be retained from the storage place and stored data's  will come to display when necessary .  1. Full Speed USB Flash Drive as Storage - Decent Speed but most of ...
hi,I have successfully connected LTDC display(480x272) with STM32H723ZGT6 - RGB565 mode .I could able to image file from internal Flash Memory .I could able to Load Perfect colour from DMA2D by using. framebuffer in global level .uint16_t framebuffer...
Hi,I am trying to connect 24bit RGB 480x272 display with stm32h723zgt6 but i have pin shortage due to many pin assigned for other purpose  and earlier i used FSMC 16bit RGB  display .16bit @ RGB565 LTDC Display mainly i  need to have lower memory con...
hi,I am trying to connect ili9341  - STM32F722ZE FSMC- TFT but i couldn't succeed .ili9342 16bit - is working in direct GPIO 16 bit data PORT drive with STM32F722ZE not in FSMC-TFT . Looks most of the ili9341 working with FMC-TFT STM32F4 Series   aro...
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