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nucleof439 lwip

I am using nucleof439 to work Lwip, however, when I configure the project in stm32cubeide, I generate the code, and comply the project. It is fine, I also can ping the device, however, when I reenter ping command from windows cmd, the device is block...

yang hong by Associate III
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I2C channels as pull-up in STM32F103C8T6

Hello everyone,I want to configurate the I2C channels as pull-up in STM32CubeIDE for STM32F103C8T6, but I couldn't set it. It looks like in the attached image. It just shows n/a in configuration.How I set it as pull-up? Please inform me. Thanks.  

hdhdhd by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32G0B1KBU6,STM32G0B1KET6

Hi, I am Murali Selvam from India, I have a doubt, Can we interface the external Micro-SD card through below given MCU, You have any reference schematic kindly give me. Thank you. STM32G0B1KBU6,STM32G0B1KET6

murali by Associate III
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STM32H7 PDR_ON signal

I don't understand the goal of pin PDR_ON.From STM32H7 reference manual: I don't understand what "the power on/off reset function can be disabled" means. The product does not go to reset state even if the voltage goes below PDR threshold ?

Gpeti by Senior II
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Upload example code to STM32F407

Using CubeMX, selecting "Start My project from Example" I find 33 examples if I filter for the "STM32F407G-DISC1" Board. I would like to have a deeper understanding of the one named "Demonstrations" I select it and "Start my project in External IDE" ...

pcb by Associate II
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TSL library stateIDs

Hello everybody,I am trying to work with STM32F042G6 with TSL library but have some issues I hope that I made some minor mistake but I think I tried everíthing.I can't get stable detection when touching.I tried to copy a sample project but it was jus...

STM32F407 Mcu clock setup

Hello sir, I have developed MCU clock setup using two functions Mcu_init and mcu_initclock in stm32f407 board. Now I want to develop Distribute PLL and get PLL status. Can you help me out. I have attached my mcu.c here for your convinience.#include "...