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Hi,we are planning to use the display shown in the attached datasheet.It is MIPI-DSI and also has a Tearing Effect Output signal. How is the Tearing Effect signal connected to the micro? I could not find any dedicated pin but from reading online abou...
Hi,are there some plugins, extensions of free linters that can be used with CubeIDE?If not, what are the best solutions?Thank you
[SOLVED - It was a bouncy ground on the programming connector on the second PCB] Hi,I have two version of the same PCB only with minor HW differences which also require minor SW differences. So I made a copy of a project folder that works and renamed...
Hi,as you can see from the screenshot below I have TIM2 clock source set to disable but the PWM is still running as configured and generates PWM. And it has been like that for the entire project for a while so I just noticed.Does the time start funct...
Hi,every time I download the code from CubeIDE into the micro, a seemingly random file (every time a different one) opens up in the editor. More specifically it opens in the split editor area that is active when I press Run (i.e. left window or right...