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i'm interfacing ADT7420 with STM32F411. As per datasheet of ADT7420 the i2c specifications are as follows: Table 2. SCL Frequency 0 - 400 kHz SCL High Pulse Width, tHIGH 0.6 μs SCL Low Pulse Width, tLOW 1.3 μs   Therefore as per my understanding the ...
i've recently purchased STM32H735G DK board. When i connect it to PC via USB cable, it screen is showing output as per already programmed code and its working.power LED (LD5) is green and STlink LED (LD6) is red.But when ever i try to load a new code...
i'm using STM32F030F4Px for MODBUS Master Slave communication based on USART (RS485 communication). i'm using 9600 baud rate, 8bit 1 stop bit communication with DMA and HAL. Master is transmitting 8 bytes to slave after 10 or 20 msec which are receiv...
i have used HAL and LL for programming the STM32 using IAR and STM32IDE.But for the academic purpose i want to use assembly programming.Any guidelines how to use assembly in IAR or STM32IDE
i'veA question related to transmission using DMA. i'm facing a strange works perfectly when i use "HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(&huart1, TxBuf, 5);" in the main program.However in my project i've crated a separate file for my application progra...
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