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Forum Posts

Making an STM32 last at 150°C?

Are there any guides or tips on making an STM32 MCU last in a high temperature (~150°C) environment? Specific voltage or clock speed tweaks?The MCU would sleep most of the time, but now and then take and store some measurements.Would certain families...

StefanH by Associate III
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How to use ETM on-chip

Hello,I'm trying to record the execution trace of my firmware running on a STM32H753. For this I'm using the ETM functionality of Cortex M7. I don't want to use external tools but rather to use the ETF (Embedded Trace FIFO) that can be accessed direc...

Gpeti by Senior II
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STM32L0 SPI Mode always return MODF

Greetings,I tried to setup a L0 using SPI to connect with LSM6DSR, all codes are generated using CubeMX (also the driver code for LSM6DSR with X-CUBE-MEMS1)The weird thing is, when ever it tries to utilize SPI functions (Transmit, Receive, and Transm...

TSu.1 by Associate II
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MX_RTC_Init undefined

Hi,I'm getting this below compile time errors...  undefined reference to `MX_RTC_Init'  However, I have included the rtc.h header file, which contains the declaration of the MX_RTC_Init(void) function.  #include "main.h" #include "cmsis_os.h" #includ...

iDeew by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32U575QII6 custom bootloader not jumping to my program

Hi All,I am implementing a custom bootloader on a STM32U575QII6, but it is not jumping to my program.I have my bootloader in bank 1, and I have written my program to Flash at address 0x08014000 - within the same bank.I have tried multiple things and ...

joeSD by Associate III
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Resolved! Two DMA buffers for alternate ADC samples on the same pin

I sample a 1000Hz periodic signal twice  each period. At 50us after the start of the period for samples A and after 850us for samples B with a single ADC and a single channel. I trigger the ADC with a delayed PWM (Combined PWM1 on a G431) and the res...

Fanuc30 by Associate III
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Resolved! I Ordered few free samples

I ordered few free samples on 1st August. But still my order is showing processing I have no idea is that cancelled or how long it will take to ship. can anyone from st help me? It will be a great help