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Feature request: Programmable logic

I am a fan of STM32, especially the peripheral sets offered are great. Over the years however, one type of peripheral is missing which would be a great help for many projects, this is a programmable logic cell.Such a cell would contain elements like ...

LVan .31 by Associate III
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TFM in u575 microcontroller

Hello,The TFM application that is based on the stm32u585 board could work for the stm32u575zit6 microcontroller? I have modified the TFM project and I have removed hw accelerator from the SBSFU project because the u575 microcontroller does not contai...

Resolved! stm32H753 spi6 BDMA interrupt

hi ALLI use stm32h753.1) SPI1 , DMA , DMA1_Stream0 2) HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&hspi1, gAudioTxBuffer, VS1063_DMA_TX_LEN);3) void SPI1_IRQHandler(void) interrrupt ==> Very wellbut1) SPI6 , BDMA , BDMA_Channel02) HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA(&hspi6, gAudioTxBuffe...

togsin by Associate II
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STM32H7xx USART3 can't wake up from STOP mode

Our product uses a STM32H7xx chip, integrate freeRTOS. We want our product can go into STOP mode to save power, and can be waked up from STOP by USART3 receiving data.Below is some related code, but it does not work, our product can't be waked up by ...

HarryXia by Associate II
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Resolved! JTAG connections for STM32G474 controller

Hello,I am connecting STM32V2 debugger at following pins.  This supports SWD. I want to use JTAG pins and want to use STM32V2 debugger as a JTAG connection for debugging purpose. can you support me how to connect or which pins to be used and what is ...

Nsg1987 by Senior
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STM32H750 Performance slows down after time

Hi!I have a problem with the canbus gateway project, I have a very good ring buffer that works without delays and transfers data between can1 and can2. All data copying is done through the main while loop where I check the buffers for can1 and can2 t...

sqwerize by Associate III
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*STM32F030F4p6 Problem with GPIO_EXTI1 Pin*

Hello everyone,So I am trying to take Input from the sensor and then turn on the LED_1/Sound on and another senarove is that whne I prace the GPIO_EXTI1 turn on the another LED_2. but what is hapning is when senser is not givin Input even then LED_1/...

UART in full duplex missing bytes

Hello,I have an application where I transfer data to and from a PC with a FT232R and a UART. There is data beeing transfered back and foth constantly and asynchrone to another, so it is sending and receiveing at any random time and simultaneously. Se...

machinist by Associate III
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