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Hi all,I'm trying to adapt stm32loader python script to use it with stm32wl5 chip. So for now it's working i'm able to flash my stm, but for now after flashing Id like to run my firmware.Here is my step procedure : - Put BOOT0 to 1 - RESET mcu - Put ...
Hi all,Just a question, I have one stm32wl RAK3172 chip, on this chip I have a stm32f4 connected via UART like thatSTM32F4 UART2             RAK3172 UART1PD6               ---->            PB6.  PD5              ----->           PB7 I'm trying to com...
Hi all,I'm trying to understand how can I use this ST lib to activated interrupt if accelerometer data ready. I already use this lib but I don't use interrupt mode, right now I'd like to try it.So if I understand well I have to use int32_t lsm6dso32_...
Hi allI'm working with an stm32f4 and I have a question about current consumption on stop mode, on the pin PC1 I have a external pull up 10k connected to 3.3v, before stop mode what is the best mode to avoid PC1 consume 0.33ua ? Right now I have put ...
Hi,I'm trying to use spi on STEVAL-IDB008v2 board I want to wire spi flash dev board, after reading the documentation I'm not sure but if I want to have spi on bluenrg2 I have to desolder R64 and R63 resistors ? EDIT : it's seem 1-2sel and 3-4sel are...
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