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Resolved! Problem with write and read FT24C16A with STM32F103C8T6

Hello everyoneSo I'm trying to read and write 64 byte long list from FT24C16A. I'm using STM32F103C8T6. So first picture displays I2C init for uC. Not problem here. I'm using 3.3 V.//---I2C_init---// static void MX_I2C1_Init(void) {   /* USER CODE ...

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Indu by Associate II
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STM32F3 Comparator Interrupt not Generating

HI All,I Have the STM32F302R8. I am using comparator 2. What I want to do is have DACH1 feed a value to the inverting input and have PA7 connected to the non inverting input. For now, I am just wanting to generate an interrupt to get things working ...

glenn0010 by Associate III
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I am using an NUCLEO-F429Zi to read a sensor over I2C. The application works correct. When the ST-Link is removed (cut away) from the board, the I2C connectivity fails. Any idea how to prevent this?

I am using an NUCLEO-F429Zi to read a MPU over I2C ( 2C1, PB8, PB9). The applications works correct. The sensor returns the correct values. When the ST-Link is removed (cut away) from the board, the power supply Vin , the I2C connectivity fails. It ...

ISant.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! ADC DMA using HRTIM as trigger don't have any values

I am using NUCLEO-G474RE as my hardware.STM32CubeIDE V1.3.1 and STM32G4 Fw V1.2.0.I am using ADC2 with 4 channels triggered by HRTIM CH B Compare 4 Injected.So these 4 channels are triggered interleaved, meaning that every HRTIM-CH-B Compare 4 only o...

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Hi, I have this TFT SPI Touch Display ILI9341, program Arduino 1.6.5., and developement board STM32F103C8T6. And I need initialize the display.I have program, but all Power Mode, MADCTL Mode is 0xFF !!! on output.WHERE I HAVE PROBLEM ????? code is in deta

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // this line I have added#include "SPI.h"#include "Adafruit_GFX_AS.h"#include "Adafruit_ILI9341_STM.h"// For the Adafruit shield, these are the default.#define TFT_DC   PA0   //  (Green) #define TFT_CS   PA1   //  (Orange) #...

TZ by Associate
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How to use SPI DMA on slave

Hi, I would like use the DMA functionality for SPI on my STM32F4. But all examples I have found are calling the SPI DMA Transmit Receive function in a while loop. But what would be a better way? I think that if I call the Transmit Receive function ...

KR51K by Associate III
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Potential memory leak in SPI HAL for STM32H753

Configuring SPI for 24 bit data frames and receiving single data frames via HAL_SPI_Receive_IT (which redirects to HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_IT() in case bidirectional transfer is enabled), hspi->RxXferCount and hspi->RxXferSize are both set to the val...

MNagl.1 by Associate II
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Cannot get the SPI pins to toggle.

I'm using the project "SPI_FullDuplex_ComPolling_Master" in P-Nucleo-WB55.Nucleo/Examples_MIX/SPI in FW version 1.6.0. Works fine on the nucleo board. I've ported it to my board which uses pins PB5, PB4, and PB3. I'm using a crystal on my board. I di...

BMart.2 by Associate II
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My board burnt or something else?

While trying to read ADC value over voltage divider I accidentally connected not divided voltage to ADC pin. That was about 10V and with burnt smell I promptly intervene and cut the connection. The board was hot but I could touch it. After that I pu...

SSone.1 by Associate III
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