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I changed out of curiosity the max speed variable of my car ECU from 250Km/h to 60Km/h to see if the car reach that speed and hold there or I can go beyond and get a notification but it turns out that I cannot exceed that limit.Now, I'm unable to get...
Hello, I have a Nucleo L476RG which I'm using for different projects, and I never gave an importance to the offset addresses that are written before every register in the reference manual.Can anyone explain to me what are theses offsets.
Hello, I made a an esc using an arduino a year ago and I wanted to try it with my stm32L476RG, for some reason my code doesn't seem to work, and I think that I'm doing the switching of the comparator input minus wrong, can you tell me if this is the ...
Hello I have a Nucleo board L476RG and I would like to change the trigger mode of the comparator on the fly, the problem is that I cannot find the register responsible of this in the datasheet.I guess it's not related to the comparator but to the EXT...
Hello, I have an stm32F103, I would like to start using DMA to transfer data from memory to TX pin, in circular mode it works fine but when I switch to normal mode it works only once, I cannot use the debug function since I'm not using a ST-Link, so ...