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Hi,When using the STM32CubeMX to configure the ethernet pins for the STM32H573VI, the TXD1 and TX_EN pins can be configured to the PB13 and PB14 pins. But the STM32CubeMX does not allow these pins to be configured for ethernet for the STM32H563VI. In...
Hi, Is there a LL Library project example or at least a code snippet of how to transmit uart data using the GPDMA?
Hi,How to configure the Compiler Optimization level in VScode for STM32? Is there a dialog box for that? As in STM32CubeIDE.
Hi, When I insert a breakpoint or pause the debugger, the debugger first stops at a point where there was probably an ISR, showing the error message in the figure below, and I need to press F5 again so that the degugger goes to the breakpoint that I...
Is it possible to achieve 100% duty cycle on HRTIM using center-aligned mode?when HRTIM1->sTimerxRegs[5].CMP1xR = 2124 (PERIOD-1), the duty is almost 100% end when HRTIM1->sTimerxRegs[5].CMP1xR = 2125, the duty drops to zero. As per the code below, ...
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