User Activity

I am using nucleo board, however, I try to use debugger on board for external board or stm32 microcontroller. I notice 6pin swd (cn6) on debugger. the first pin is VDD_targert. I followed up the wiring and connect to external target board. When I con...
I am using nucleof439 with lwip. I use DHCP to get ip address. Is anyway to detect IP address to be set? I notice there is two thread, "tcpip_thread" and "EthLink", I don't know which one is good for user to get ip address, also struct netif is local...
I am using nucleof439 to work Lwip, however, when I configure the project in stm32cubeide, I generate the code, and comply the project. It is fine, I also can ping the device, however, when I reenter ping command from windows cmd, the device is block...
Hello, I am using Nucleo board, every time when I connect usb port on debuger side, my pc popups a windows to tell me "NOD_F439ZI" is connected, so I can use file explorer to view the file on it. For example, NUCLEO-F439ZI has 6MB space, does anybody...
I am using nucleo-f439zi in stm32cubeide with freertos debug. It seems everything is working, the only thing is that I need pause program if I would like to see freertos task list status. Is it possible to track task list status when system is runnin...
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