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Hello,I am using the stm32f042k6t6 to control a Motor which has one Hall Signal. The motor is connected to a Jack which I drive in clockwise and anticlockwise direction, so in and out. The jacks start at a specific position and I want that when I dri...
Hi,I am using the stm32L100RBT6 and I have successfully implemented the stop mode.I have chosen to wake up the µC from stop mode either by RTC or by an external interrupt.Before I put the µC in stop mode, I set all the pins to analog to save power an...
Hi,I want to use the VEREFINT to get the voltage of my battery. According to the formula provided by the datasheet (screenshot attached), I need the VREFINT calibration value and the VREFINT_DATA.What is the register to read the calibration value fr...
Hi,I am not quite sure about this. I have a STM32L100 µC operating at 1.8V, the analog pin sees a 3.0V coming from a battery and I want to use the ADC to be able to monitor the voltage of the battery.I plan to supply the VDDA Pin with 3.3V (the VRef+...
Hi ST Community,I am using the RTC on the STM32l100RBT6 µC to display the date and time every hour. It is battery powered and therefore at some point i would have to change the batteries, therefore, the µC will lose power. I have thought of using the...