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Forum Posts

Howto reserve global register variable gcc?

I try optimize to maximum MCU offload this operation:I2S DMA stores sample LRLRLRLR... circular i need reorder it to LLLLLLRRRRR in other memory place.I mean DMA or other hw methods cant copy mem to mem with skip defined, mean every other.Then i try ...

MM..1 by Chief III
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ADC of STM jumping over value's

So I’m trying to sample 2 analogue signals with the use of DMA. The ADC’s are running on highest possible speeds (core clock). But when I’m looking at the results for some reason one ADC avoid some “lines�? of value’s and instead of giving the right ...

MHuyg.1 by Associate
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USART callback not working with new library

HelloI using STM32F746 Dicovery kit.USART callback worked before!!! All communication worked normal and both callbacks worked.I did a mistake. Installed new stm32cubeide_1.6.1and removed an old IDE.Now callback for receiving is working and transmit c...

SLava.11 by Associate
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Running application in "Release mode causes errors"

Hi all,I'm trying to profile my application which running on STM32F469IH6 micro-controller. I'm able to run the application in debug mode and able to see the timings of the applications.But In generally running application in release mode will have m...

HNall.1 by Associate III
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Can I have a ST-Link V3 with USB-C?

Dear STM-Community,It might be true that all of us have a micro-usb cable at home, but due to smartphones,tablets,... the way more convenient USB-C plug is the new standard on the market.Therefore I would like to start some upvope for a awesome USB-C...

LObki.1 by Associate
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RTC resets on power-cycle despite battery

I've connected a CR2032 battery to the V_BAT pin on my custom STM32F746 board. Right now, the battery is connected directly without a Schottky diode. When I power the board off and on again, though, the RTC is reset to zero values.According to the ...