Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:Erasing internal memory sectors [0 4]Error: failed to erase memoryError: failed to erase memoryEncountered Error when opening C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.6.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\
I bought a new NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q board. It's my first STM32. I use MXCube to create a new project for MDK-ARM. I tried both STM32H755ZI and Nucleo-H755ZU-Q. And I enter my code in Application/User/CM7/Core/main.c . Between line 163 "/* USER CODE BEGIN ...
The Pulse width value of the waveform in input capture is not matching with orginal Pulse from sensor output .Please help.#include<NEW.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<stdarg.h>void Ultra_setting();void delay(int val);void Tim3_Capture();void Uart1_config...
In detail glance on RM0368 Reference manual. I am getting confused while enablingCC1P -Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity(11: noninverted/both edges) in TIMx_CCER Register(STM32F401RE) .Whether it is possible to change Output Polarity into both Risi...
Hello, I have a doubt about the voltage tolerance of STM32H743: looking at Stm32h743bi.pdf, LQFP176 pins are numbered 1,2,...,176, while CubeIDE gives me PA1, PA2, PB1, PB2.... etc.So, how can know if my UART3 pins (PB10 & PB11, Alternate function P...
I have an STM32 F401RE (NUCLEO - 64)board. In the document " Description of STM32F4 HAL and low-layer drivers" there are HAL SMBUS Generic drivers. Is it possible to implement SMbus communication using this board or I will have to purchase on of the ...
I am developing FW Update capability. I need to place all the functions that erase and program flash in a fixed location so I can erase my application without erasing the functions.I do not know the compiler/linker syntax to make a function reside at...
Hi, I'm trying to run blink on stm32f103c8 (GPIOB.1 is the desired pin) but after programming and resetting the MCU, program only runs for few seconds and then program stops and it doesn't run anymore. I feel microcontroller is damaged after this, b...
Hi every body! I chose STM32H755ZI MCU mainly because it has 1MB of RAM. In my project, I need to at least store 180 KB of Data. 45000 of float samples. I use the M7 Core which accesses the AXI RAM the size of which is 512KB; on the other hand, the B...