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I have connected various stepper motors to multiple x-nucleo-ihm01a1 shields on a NUCLEO F466RE.The code is the same as ST's X-CUBE-SPN1 (i just changed the function names) In main() after SPI has been initiliazited at 2MHz at mode 3, I set the regis...
Drone firmware like betaflight or cleanflight come with GUI configurator software that allow settings/variables to be changed using the UI and then built uploaded onto an STM32 MCU all through the config software. I know the configuration software us...
Not sure if this is the right place to post but for drone firmware such as betaflight or iNav that run off STM32 MCUs like F4xx, how would one go about importing and using the firmware files inside of CUBE IDE so that firmware itself can be changed a...
Working on a robotics project that has two cameras, each is interfaced with its own STM32F4 via the DCMI peripherals for streaming VGA (640x480) video from the camera to transmit to a computer via UART and run through a computer vision AI for object ...
 I'm using a nucleo F446RE. I want to set up MCO1 as 42MHz output. CUBEmx generated the the HAL_RCC_MCOConfig function below.void HAL_RCC_MCOConfig(uint32_t RCC_MCOx, uint32_t RCC_MCOSource, uint32_t RCC_MCODiv) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct; ...