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Hi there,Here is the code for DAC with DMA. I can not see the error in the code. I have been looking at the oscilloscope for the sine wave but it is not coming. I tried without DMA, and works nice. But the DAC with DMA is not working. Please someone...
Hi there,Here are the two lines which I am using for SPI communication.while(HAL_SPI_GetState(&hspi3) != HAL_SPI_STATE_READY); HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi3, (uint8_t *)& ADC_write, (uint8_t *)&ADC_read, 4, 100);The drier derived from CubeMX is not...
The product is not in stock on mouser and arrow. Also, I couldn't find it on ST store. Can any one please help me?