Forum Posts
32F417 SPI running at half the speed it should
Hello,I am using a chopped-down function from the Cube HAL code to talk to a serial FLASH. The original function has a mass of options which were checked at runtime - the usual thing for HAL code...It's all working fine. SPI2, 21MHz (the fastest I ca...
How to develop a product?
How to develop an Embedded System around STM32 MCU from scratch efficiently on the first attempt? For Eg. Developing a system with ADC, CAN, RS232, SPI, I2C, UART around an ST Controller efficiently? Developing a system according to the product requi...
Resolved! The RTC on my STM32L476RG MCU does not reliably cause a repetitive interrupt.
I just had a problem where my RTC timer did not fire the callback as it should. Most of the time it works fine, but yesterday on a customers system, it did not. The log shows the callback occurred, then the callback reinitialized the timer (in Start_...
Resolved! ADC Values conversion is not proper whenever with DMA Multiple Channels ?
Hello Support Team,Im using ADC1 DMA Multiple channels for conversion of Analog Data.. But after Reaching 3.2 Volts ADC Binary values will be Constant or 4096 only.. It is not converting as per variation with respect to input to ADC Channele after re...
Resolved! how to verify the fake STM32 MCUs?
Resolved! UART Transmission, Interrupt vs DMA
I am working on a project using UART communication and I have a question what is really different between interrupt mode and DMA mode in TX except for their underlying mechanism.(HAL_UART_Transmit_IT vs HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA)I know DMA uses the DMA c...
HAL_UART_Receive() Polling Mode: Only picks up first character from UART
Hello,I have a GPS module that prints of NMEA message strings in standard ASCII format at a rate of 9600 baud. This module is connected to usuart1 on my micro.It appears that only the first character is ever caught by the system, and anything followi...