User Activity

Suppose we have 50 different screen in a program.For the following modes, I have to show information to the user in a Modal window in the same screen we are in.For example, USB connection - correct storage of information in the memory - temperature c...
hi when i use normal configuration for define this pin(PB4 in STM32H743) as GPIO output a problem occurs in the program.This pin is connected to the JTAG port and i use only SWD mode and pull up this pin by 10k to VCC.plz help me to config this pin a...
hii have a project that directly make by Keil and don't use CubeMX and i make separate project by TouchGFX Designer. now my question is how can i config keil project to auto add new file generate by TouchGFX Designer. for example when i add new scr...
Hii referee to this link and try to modified OSWrappers  for keil RTX5but all my efforts were in vain :sleepy_face: is it possible "touchgfx" provide true config for OSWrappers  & Keil RTX ?
hidoes the new version ( 4.12.3) of the touchgfx include Combobox Grid view and box with round cornercontrol?
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