in the ili9341.c file located in the "stm32cube_FW_F4_Vxx/drivers/BSP/Components/ili9341.c" in this file there is a function called LCD_IO_Init(); what file is this function at i noticed that in the ili9341.h file the function prototype for LCD_IO_I...
im confused about the TIMPRE bit in the RCC_DCKCFGR does it only effect the apb1 and not apb2 timers cause the way it describes this bit it acts like the apb2 can be times 4 because it says PPREx so 1 or 2 but on cube mx im noticing when u enable t...
Trying to write a i2c driver for the stm32f0 and having trouble understanding how this works as im use to the stm32f4 i2c could anyone describe what steps i need to take to write a polling i2c driver or point me to an app note that describes ive ben ...
wrote a basic test for ltdc and if i change any of the ltdc registers and pause the debug it crashes heres the functions for the ltdc ive wrote void ltdc_gpio_init(void){
//GPIO B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K Clock Access
RCC->AHB4ENR |= (1U<<1);//PORTB
Tried to write a basic ltdc test not using hal and wen I pause the debug wen changing a ltdc register it disconnects and says could not be halted whats going on
i wasn't sure why that bit even exist just thought maybe the hardware would change the slave address so you wouldn't have to in code the reference manual isn't so clear