Trying to write a i2c driver for the stm32f0 and having trouble understanding how this works as im use to the stm32f4 i2c could anyone describe what steps i need to take to write a polling i2c driver or point me to an app note that describes ive ben ...
wrote a basic test for ltdc and if i change any of the ltdc registers and pause the debug it crashes heres the functions for the ltdc ive wrote void ltdc_gpio_init(void){
//GPIO B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K Clock Access
RCC->AHB4ENR |= (1U<<1);//PORTB
Tried to write a basic ltdc test not using hal and wen I pause the debug wen changing a ltdc register it disconnects and says could not be halted whats going on
wondering what these pins do as the shutter goes to the 1v5 regulator input and the flash comes from the strobe pin and while I'm at it what motor is af-vcc for thanks for the help
tying to find what frequency the hsi is at startup and normally i search the datasheet for clocks and startup but this returns nothing in the datasheet for the stm32h753bi mcu only thing i see is that it has 4 clocks and it says the hsi is 64mhz is ...
i wasn't sure why that bit even exist just thought maybe the hardware would change the slave address so you wouldn't have to in code the reference manual isn't so clear
one of my biggest questions is. in the cr2 register does the RD_WRN bit handle the 0 or 1 of the slave address to tell the slave if its a read or write so example if i want to read from slave i just send the 7 bit address say its 0x53 to SADD regist...
lol i see it now its in the rcc cr register i added RCC->CR |= (1U<<28) to enable pll3while(!(RCC->CR & (1U<<29){} to wait for pll3 ready wow i feel dumb now it works for now thank you so much