I'm trying to use DMA to handle my incoming Rx data and, ideally, I'd like to just increment the index to keep track of the incoming data, essentially like this:#define uartsize 2000 #define dma_buffer_interrupt_size 1 uint8_t UART_in_Buffer[uarts...
Microcontroller newbie here. I currently use an STM32F411 MCU.For every cycle of 500μs, I need to: 1-perform ADC conversion for 200μs at a high sampling rate (obtaining at least 300-400 samples in that timeframe); and 2-Transfer the ADC data to a com...
Hi all, recently I am trying to use ADC to sample 4 channel current signals. Since there is no critical time requirement, I plan to use scan mode. In my opinion, the ADC will automatically complete four channel signal conversion stuff, then set the...
Dear All,In "RM0432 Reference manual STM32L4+ Series advanced Arm ® -based 32-bit MCUs" in chapter "19.3 OCTOSPI implementation" and table "Table 119. OCTOSPI implementation" there are some differences in supported features between families. All fami...
I use STM32F1 Value Line Discovery Kit.I want to write SVC handler.If I implement the following, invpc occurs when running 「POP PC�?in Line 38.Caller -------------------------------- __asm volatile(" SVC %0 \n" : : "I" (2)); ...
Hi, I'm trying to change color of a component (circle) inside a container inside a scrollWheel.This should occur when user press a button. The button is a component outside of scrollWheel. How can I reach this circle (inside a container inside a scro...
Greetings!I have "blue pil" stm32f103c8t6 and I want to send data over I2C via DMA. "Classic" way is working fine (I'm sending data to 2004 display through PCF8574 extender), but I can't get it working with DMA.BTF flag isn't set and the loop becomes...
I have multiple CAN FD Participant which are configured the same way:if (canFdMode == canFdModes_2mbit) { hfdcan1.Instance = FDCAN1; hfdcan1.Init.ClockDivider = FDCAN_CLOCK_DIV1; hfdcan1.Init.FrameFormat = FDCAN_FRAME_FD_BRS; hfdcan1.Init.Mod...