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On a STM32U5G9J-DK2 kit, once a project, created within TouchGFX, is imported to CubeIDE bitmap images are lost when placed in the external flash memory.TouchGFX version is 4.23.0, CubeIDE is 1.14.1 and everything is installed on a Windows 10 machine...
It would be nice to state clearly in the datasheet what does 'range' means.This is actually not the distance between the sensor and the target, but the projection of this distance on the axis orthogonal to the plane of the sensor... (i;e. the height ...
We are starting (difficultly due to the lack of devices) the pre-production of our system built around an STM32 H743VIT, and, on already two systems (out of about 50), we have failures initializing ADC 2. For the first one, replacing the MCU was succ...
Since couple days, on several computers (source syncrhonized on SVN) all my projects that were all working for months get stuck when opening .ioc file and running Device Configuration Tool. CPU rises to its maximum and even after hours nothing occurs...
Hello,I need to sample 2 signals simultaneously at a rate close to 1MSPS on 16 bits.On a Nucleo-H743ZI2 board, I thus configured ADC 1 and 2 in Dual regular simultaneous mode, 1.5 Cycle between sampling phases, only one single conversion on each ADC....
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