There must be a function to save the FPU context of the 32F4 but after an hour searching all I see is 11 years of people asking for clarification on how to do this, and nice looking technical papers none of which list more than a couple of lines of A...
When I used STM32CubeMX to do the parameter setting. For some of the parameters I don't know how to configure them. For example, the parameters like: "Chip select high time", "Chip select boundary", "Refresh rate". How to configure the above three pa...
Hello everyone, I am trying to make an I2C communication with the Nucleo G474RE, however I am having problems at the time of Debugging. This is causing that the SCL stops working on my board.I use the I2C1 Pin 14 (PA14) and Pin 13 (PA13) in the initi...
Can you share the driver library if already available with STM32 for STLED524 matrix.If not available can you provide any support in the future for implementing the drivers for STLED524 with STM32.
Hi, I want to receive data by UART and display them by graph.Here is my code:``` HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1,(uint8_t*)RxBuf,1); RxBuf[1]=r1[i];```and show by graph:``` if(i<256){ dynamicGraph1.addDataPoint(r1[i++] ); }else i=0;```the problem is...
Lets hope nothing catches fire while we are gone.