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Hi community,I am observing Hardfault exception when trying to program internal flash of stm32g030k6t6 MCU in FAST mode . is there anyother FLASH registers i need to enable ?I have attached the code here static void write_data_to_application(void) { ...
Hello community ,I have configured STM32G030 as SPI Slave in DMA mode where master commands poll rate at 50 ms . I have set NSS pin as Hardware input as it is slave . As soon as NSS pin PB0 detects ,SPI DMA transmission starts in hardware level. Payl...
Hello community ,I have programmed stm32g030k06t6 MCU has SPI Slave . When trying to communicate with master for 10 times , 6 times checksum is getting failed and 4 times it is getting passed .Master is sending 9 bytes of data i.e 0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x5...
Hi all,I tried to configure timer 14 to generate interrupt every 500 ms . i am toggling an GPIO to measure delay .when put a breakpoint interrupt gets triggered but unable to see waveform in logic analyser of GPIO toggling with delay .My clock freque...
Hello ,I Have configured STM32G030K6t6 MCU has SPI master . I have used SPI2 Module. Chip select is controlled manually by GPIO .I am unable to write exact data 0x79 in SPI2->DR register . Always it writes 0xff  to DR and i am unable to read/Write an...