User Activity

According to RM0456, p. 3459So in addition to CCx pins also PB5 and PB14 (DBCCx) cannot be used. The above does not make much sense to me. I imagine (only imagine) that internally DBCC support is implemented like shown below and for "dead battery" to...
I am wondering if VSSA voltage can be slightly lower than VSS? If so, what is the maximum allowed difference?The reason why I ask is because I would like to measure voltage slightly (0.2-0.3V) below the common ground attached to VSS. I looked in seve...
After upgrading CubeProgrammer to new release 2.16 CLI commands started to fail during verification phase when changing option bytes on STM32U5A5. Sample command which fails:STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD mode=UR --hardRst -ob WRP1A_PSTRT=0xff WRP1...
@Guillaume K, @Jocelyn RICARD Since my previous question on the same topic (see here) I have reviewed probably all the MCUboot/TF-M-based solutions available for ST MCUs. There are currently four options that I am aware of:TrustedFirmware-M (TF-M) us...
According to RM0456, section 11.4 RCC clock functional description, p. 482:"The RCC feeds the Cortex system timer (SysTick) external clock with the AHB clock (HCLK) divided by eight, or LSE or LSI. The SysTick can work either with this clock or direc...