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PWM generation for RGB LED Strip using WS2812 protocol

So i am using STM32F401RE board where i have written the code to for a strip of RGB led working on the WS2812 protocol which is nothing but using 24 bit PWM waveform for 1 led in GRB format. Every time i enable the PWM channel using CCR1 register for...

DJ1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Upgrade ST-Link on Nucleo-H563ZI not possible

Hello,I want to do some programming on the Nucleo-H563ZI development board and the CebeIDE tells me that I need to upgrade the firmware on the ST-LinkV3. When I try to upgrade it, I get an error message:Since then I'm not able to do anything. The boa...

BViet.1 by Associate III
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STM32F303 Timer - Count Mismatch

HiIm using TIM6 on the STM32F303 MCU with clock 64 MHz and PSC 63999.If the ARR set to 65000 and in non- interrupt mode, the below code HAL_TIM_Base_Start(&htim6); HAL_Delay(500); HAL_TIM_Base_Stop(&htim6); results in CNT value of ~500 as expected.Ho...

PR.19 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F103C8T6 - no DAC?

I  had started an STM32F103C8T6 project in STM32CubeIDE. Now I wanted to use a DAC to output an analog signal from an internally stored wavetable.I don't see any DAC when opening the IOC editor. Doesn't the F103 have any DACs?

stm32h745 phy

hi, i want to implement ethernet communication between two stm32 boards without using phy, but only gpio's connected by jumpers. how can i disable the phy?

Ilay2002 by Associate
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Impedance control for high speed SPI

Hello,We are a company making medical air transport containers. We use ST micro-controllers (STM32L562ZET6Q) to track, monitor and control our containers around the world.We are having issues with signal integrity between our micro-controller and our...

New batch 3MHz.jpg New batch 13MHz.jpg Old batch 13MHz.jpg
sagan by Associate
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Resolved! STM32U599NJH6Q

Is this device in the witness protection program? Anglia cannot export the device outside the UK. Contacts for ST office in Canada are not listed. Good job. DK / Mouser list prices at 2-3x those on Anglia with 0 stock and ETA of the end of this year....

Mon2 by Senior III
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