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USB decice not able to recognize

I am using nucleo L4R5ZI-p i am trying to use USB with for virtual comport the and i am following STM32 tutorials for  USB driver development  when i am  connecting usb to the device the device manger in sot able to read showing this dialog box Note ...

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PESHWA by Associate II
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Resolved! Application not working when RDP=1

Hi,I am trying to run my application on the STM32L433RTCX which includes the code that enables the RDP to level 1. Even after multiple different attempts (to set it at level 1) the application on the MCU is still not working. Details from my side - P...

Resolved! CAN communication nucleo-f411re

Hello !I am currently trying communication using the CANBUS from a nucleo-f411re to an arduinoI used to work with an MCP2515 (using the CS, MOSI, MISO, SCK pins) and i now want to work with an MCP2551 using the RxCAN and TxCAN pins. My setup looks li...

lfresnay by Associate II
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Measure rate of change

I am measuring temperature from sensor via i2c in a loop with one second delay. There are various other functions also in loop. Those functions may take time from 10ms to 500 ms depending on Rx_Callback. I need to measure rate of change of temperatur...

Nico3 by Senior
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Resolved! STM32G030F6P6TR Memory flash

Hello to everyone,I have an issue with the MCU in the title. I am about to show you my problem in some steps:1- What is the flash memory size of my microcontroller? I consulted the datasheet of device and I read: So, for this series, I can have up to...

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MarioE by Associate
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Resolved! Questions about STM32F042T6Y

Hello i  two questions ,1) i use mcu STM32F042T6Y a give the same power  supply 3.3v to pin VDD,VDDA and VDDIO2, is this a problem?(many gpio(i chose the gipo tollerant) input  of mcu work to 5V and i use the usb host of mcu )2) i want use  a externa...
