User Activity

Using F401 ADC continuous conversion and DMA for multiple channels.I have pins A0-7, B1, PC0-5 running conversions. For consecutive pins in a group (A0-7) (C0-5), the final pin in use always has a different offset error to the rest. Note this actuall...
So table 54 Vih for 5V tolerant pins is 0.7Vdd. For Vdd 3.3V this is 2.31V.I'm having input capture trigger on signals that only reach 1.8V with 100% consistency on 4 pins.Most stm32f4 the Vih for the same pins is 0.45Vdd + 0.3V, which would be 1.65V...
How many samples of a uint32_t can trace log in one second, when trace is set to 2MHz using stlinkv2?
I am doing current control with PWM. The switch provides a current sense pin which is going to my ADC.I am using STM32F4. I am also using FreeRTOS, not sure if this is important though.My ADC is set to run at 84MHz with 4x prescaler. The conversion i...
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