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I am using M24C04 chip and downloaded the software package EEPRAM2.if(EEPRMA2_M24_Init(EEPRMA2_M24C02_0) == BSP_ERROR_NONE) { chip_ok=1; // DOUBLEFLASH(); } else { chip_ok=0; }  if I used this instance it says chip ok=1 but the  read ...
I am in work with a product firmware with STM32G030k8 with additional EEPROM M24C04 I coudlnt ble to instal the driver files . Is this the righ tway am doing,can any one please address this?I am not able to hightlight or install Thanks.
Hi I am working on a own prototype.The issue facing is NRST pin pulled low once powered on.Actually it should give me 2V.MCU used is STM32G030K8.and also on checking the PCB tracking its fine .When we checked by removing the MCU chip NRST is 2.0v .Wh...
Hi I am completely new to this error I couldnt find any the pageIt was working fine before and suddenly got this error in LIve Expressions on debuggingso please help me
I am using a pin to Switch on the power supply once the MCU is powered.When powering up the MCU I am getting a Glitch before it turns on the MC GPIO configuaration is given below. For every output I am getting a glich before it SET from RESET   Can a...
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