User Activity

HeyI work with NUCLEO-H723ZG and I try to work with 3.3V External power supply.I try to connect the board according to the datasheet:and I saw few problems:1. My code is not working. I proggram simple code of blinking. when I work with 5V (external/u...
HeyI try to work with the Timer1 in interrupt mode. I saw that Timer1 is belong to APB2 BUS. I configure my source clock to the TIMER1 to 96MHz (picture1),at APB2 Timer Clocks But I saw that the frequency is match to the number on APB2 Peripheral clo...
HeyI am working with NUCLEO-H723ZG. I try to sample signal of sine wave at 25KHz to buffefr with size of 100.I want to get something Like Interrupt when the buffer is full.I look for some examples in the internet about the configuration of the IOC bu...
HeyI have a few question about working with the ADC on NUCLEO-H723ZG (The mcu is STM32H7237ZG)1.I try to work with the ADC, I saw some example in the internet and I tried to use this examples.This is the function that I tried:HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); /...
HeyI want to make a product with WEB UI . My goal is product that will connect to my internal network and I want to be able open a browser on my computer and write the IP of the product, I will connect to its web page and I can control it.I would app...