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KeilA USB drive is connected to the STM32F407VGT6.The USBH_UserProcess function is located in the FatFs library for USB drives.I wrote this code in the USBH_UserProcess function: uint8_t Array[1000]={0}; for(int i=0; i<1000;i++) { printf("%d\n", Arra...
ILI9341 display  connected to STM32F407VGT6The USB drive is connected to the STM32F407VGT6, this USB drive contains images, I need to send these images to the display. I already know how to send to the display an array that is located on a USB drive....
I am using the code from this post to connect STM32F407  to ili9341 display TFT_DC_SET(); Enables recording of data to the display.The speed for transferring data to the display is very important, so I need continuous data transfer. The SPI_SR_BSY bi...
I'm using SPI on STM32F407VGT6 This is the code I use to check the state of the SPI_SR_RXNE bit:This is the code for the LIS3DSH accelerometer, when I send data to the accelerometer in response the accelerometer sends data to the Microcontroller.This...
The LIS3DSH accelerometer is located on the STM32F407VGT6.I need to get the WHO_AM_I value from the LIS3DSH accelerometer register using CMSIS and SPI.The SPI1->DR register is 8 bit.I need to send the WHO_AM_I address and 8 more bits, a total of 16 b...